As usual, when I wake up, the first thing I did was let the dog out to go potty while I used the bathroom myself. Dustin was in the kitchen feeding the animals and playing around with a bowl of water or something and then I hear my dog barking outside. That's unusual for her because she never barks outside unless she's playing with the ball or chasing a stick or something, and then it's a playful bark.
This was not a playful bark.
It wasn't even a "I'm going to get you and tear you up" kind of bark.
It was a kind of "Oh crap!" bark.
I said to myself "What is she barking at? She never barks outside," as I go to let her back in. She's standing on the porch looking towards her "potty spot" and so I look in the same direction.
Standing taller than our blazer and staring, almost at eye level at the dog (the porch is high), was a moose.

I yelled down the hall to Dustin to come look at the moose, but to be quiet and I ran to grab my camera. Well, it wasn't charged, so I had to use my phone camera. This is the first moose I have seen out here at the new place. I was beginning to think they were not around here. The moose just stood there staring at us, the dog started shaking uncontrollably, and then I noticed...
There was dog poo on the porch.
The moose literally scared the crap out of the dog. haha! It was rather funny, but poor Poppy was shaking so bad.
Still the moose stood there staring at us while we were laughing at the situation. Then I think it finally had enough of our silly human-ness and started casually walking away....