A Walk on the Wild Side


“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.” - William Shakespeare


No, I'm not talking about the Twilight stuff... I'm talking about a real live lunar eclipse!

Picture from NatGeo

I've been fascinated with anything to do with the sky for as long as I can remember. Stars, planets, eclipses, and the Northern Lights - I have yet to see these!

Today, there's a full moon and a full lunar eclipse at...well, right at this very moment. Naturally I woke up early so I could watch. I even tried taking a few pictures, but my camera is not cooperating. I think it's on its last leg.

I got super lucky this year! Normally, I have to go outside and find a spot where I can catch a glimpse of the moon between the trees and freeze...and that was being up on a mountain. This time, I can watch the eclipse, nice and toasty, inside the house, from my computer desk no less! It's awesome! I've got my coffee and I'm watching as the shadow slowly takes over the moon!

For those of you who can't see the eclipse, there is an awesome website where you can see it online! Check it out!


Now if I could just see those darn Aurora!


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