I moved my rose bushes out to the garden - we were expecting the property management maintenance to come and refinish the porch and the garden seemed like the best place since it has a fence around it. I was a little reluctant seeing as how there are deer here. I know they can jump fences.
The first few days, the rose bushes were fine. Then one evening I saw her...

I enjoyed watching her wander through the field (no babies were with her!) and thought nothing of it. Deer. Garden. Salad. Nope, it didn't cross my mind.
Two days later I noticed that my rose bushes were less...well bushy. The deer had eaten the tops of the rose bushes over the fence. UGH! So I moved them to the middle of the garden.
The next morning I woke up and looked out the window - my rose bushes were decimated! Even in the middle of the garden! Lots and lots of deer prints in my garden... grr! Then I saw that the naughty deer had nibbled on my potato plants!
That's that! I rifled through some of my husband's garage boxes until I found the coyote pee. It was empty.
So I grabbed a couple of bottles of ammonia and poured it all around the garden - not on the garden, but about a few feet around the outside of the fence. Then I took some of my husband's old clothes and stuffed them with rags and set them out on a garden chair in the middle of the garden. I topped it off with a basketball head. haha!
This morning I woke up and no plants were eaten.
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